Monica Speaks Out

A page describing my life, in my own words.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


So my pathfinder didn't start today when I went to get my nails done. It started fine when I left the house, but then when I went to leave no go. Luckily for me, a girl I work went walking by an gave me a jump. I went to Lithia and had them look at it. We thought maybe it was the starter or the battery. Nope. Nothing was wrong that they could see. Alright. Why the lack of start? It was bothering me. Shawn had thrown out the idea of me getting a Rav-4. For those of you who don't have car model knowledge it's the smaller suv by Toyota. Well... I am know the proud owner of a cute black Rav-4. Woo hoo!! The payments are a little more, but worth it. My old car was a 1998. This is a 2007!! That's a lot in Nissan terms. It's so pretty. I can't wait for you all to see. It's a perfect car for me. And this is my very first new car!!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

I didn't fall of the face of the earth.

It's finally starting to slow down a bit. It's been crazy with opening a new store right before my b-day. Then the day after thanksgiving was crazy, but better than the Nave. Ugh.

Christmas came and went. Down with the lights and tree. Our house was really pretty with lights. I wish it wasn't so white trash to have lights up year round. I love christmas lights.
January found us at Odell Lake for the weekend with my parents. We brought Sadie with us. She had fun, but doesn't like the cold much. She borrowed Roxy's (my parents dog) fleece. She looked really cute. It was really nice to get away from Eugene.

Valentine's day- check. Shawn & I celebrated our first married valentine's on monday the 12th instead. We both worked on the 14th. I actually closed. I'm not bitter at all about that.

Our house is coming along thanks to the help of Shawn's parents. They have done so much work. My bathroom is done. An amazing darkness I never thought I'd see light to. It's really pretty. It looks like a magazine. Everything has been painted except the guest room, master bath and the crappy apt.

Our puppy isn't so much a puppy anymore. She's 7 months. She's not as big as we were anticipating. Her head is at my knee. She's starting to fill out. Derby is also realizing that she's not going anywhere. He will play with her outside. On his terms. It's pretty funny.

I can't believe our one year anniversary is around the corner. How did that go so fast? I think it's funny that everyone says your first year is so hard. Mine was eventful, but not difficult as far as the marriage is concerned. That was the safety net. I knew I had Shawn in my life to fall back on. He will always be there to catch me. I'm so blessed to have him. He means everything to me. And sure we may act like an old married couple, we are truly in love.

I hope you've enjoyed this one, because who knows when another is going to be done. ;-)

Monday, October 16, 2006


So I know I haven't blogged in forever... But here I am. Surprise!!!! Life has been crazy recently. Where to start?...
So after over 3 years at Old Navy I have decided to move on. I will be working at Cold Water Creek. It's another retail job, but a really progressive company. I am looking so forward to it. I have received a promotion and raise. I also get to dress up. No more jeans to work. I will miss everyone at Old Navy. I enjoy my co workers. I will be taking about a week off in between jobs.

I have been busy with Sadie lady. She is growning so fast. She's learning really quickly and starting to become less nippy and more like the sweet puppy that I knew she was. She's a daddy's girl. She loves him. Derby still hates her. He gets jealous. It's kinda funny.

The house is starting to come along. Slowly but surely. We're having some major permit issues with the garage conversion. Really long story. Too long and frusterating for a blog. I will be doing some painting and rearranging when I take my week off. Shawn has major plans for me. I am looking forward to painting my ugly hallway.

I am kinda scared to turn 24 in november. It's mid twenties. I know I'm married, own my own home, own 2 cars and have my cute puppy girl and the confused cat we call Derby. But I just don't feel like I have much to tell people when I meet them. I didn't go to school. I never had that desire, but people just assume that I'm unsuccessful because of that. I guess I just need to get over that. I'm still freaked out from 24!

Monday, May 22, 2006


I think I will be posting lots of blogs in the next few weeks. Well, at least more than usual. Shawn has been working so much. He goes to finace training in a week. I have been working less because of our accident. I have returned to nearly full-time status. I worked all day yesterday and today. I hurt a little, but not as bad as last week.
I had a weird day at work. My first customer was crazy. She wanted to return something without a receipt. I could mail her a store credit, but was unable to do an exchange due to store policy. She and her grandaughter freaked out on me. She told me I should display her shirt (which had clearly been damaged by something) so that all my customers "could see what happens to our merchandise when it's washed." I just wanted to tell her that if she didn't wash clothes with razor blades maybe that wouldn't have happened. She then went storming out of the store without her shirt. What am I supposed to do with this stupid shirt? Then at the end of my day I had a woman that is crazy, literally. She loves me and I don't know what I did other than my job to get her to trust me. She tells me everything. She's been beaten by her ex husband, been in and out of surgery, had her house broken into, and most recently been raped. She just told me that tonight. She always comes in right before I go home. She tells me these depressing stories and then I'm off. I'm so depressed by the time I'm ready to go home. It's not a lot of fun. I feel bad for her. I don't how much of her stories are true or if they are for sympathy or both. I need a new job.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

My week thus far

I'm sure the 3 people that read my blog already know this, but Shawn & I were rear ended on friday the 12th. I got the most damage out of everything. Shawn was driving. He banged up his knee. He was a little sore the next day. My car is ok. I have quite a bit of back and neck problems. I have been to the chiropractor two times this week. I go again friday. I have hardly worked this week and it's gonna suck when it comes to payday.
On a much brighter note. Shawn built us an extension to our back patio. We bought a gazebo at Target. It's so nice. It's our own "outdoor living room". I love it. I sat out there today with my mom. I can't wait to have a bbq.
Oh also, Shawn's going to finance training on the 29th. I'm going to miss him so bad, but it's a great promotion. Once he's trained he can promoted to any store that needs a finance manager. Yeah!!!! It'll be a more steady income. I'm so proud of him. He's worked for Lithia not even a year yet and has been promoted to Internet Sales Manager already and now going to training. I couldn't be more happy for him.

Monday, May 08, 2006


Ok, so I haven't created a post for a while, but I have good reason. Shawn & I painted our cupboards with a crackle finish. I really like the crackle, but we both wish that the base was a different color. Oh well... Maybe in a few months. It's so much more work than I ever imagined. I don't know how people flip houses. I'd go crazy. I've also been doing some good personal time. I went shopping with my friend Jahlanna on Sunday. That was really healthy. I know that sounds weird. It's just how I work. I guess that's all folks!!

Sunday, April 23, 2006


So I actually had today off and it's so nice. I sat outside for a few hours. I wrote thank you notes. Ugh!! I hate them. I got a little toasty. Nothing too bad. It won't even be noticeable tomorrow I'm sure. It is cool I even have shorts on. Now I'm watching baseball. Shocker! I took Derby outside with me. He was ok in the back yard. Then I had to move to the front yard because we have wasps. I had the front door open, but the screen shut. He escaped at one point. He started going over to the neighbors and I had to chase him around. I finally picked him up and he hissed and growled at me. Clearly he's out of his element in the front yard. I can't believe this weather at all. I wish I wasn't such a girly girl. I'd mow the lawn or something. Lucky for Shawn that stuff grosses me out. I hate getting dirty. I don't even like to pick weeds. I know, I know. It's stupid.