Monica Speaks Out

A page describing my life, in my own words.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


So I actually had today off and it's so nice. I sat outside for a few hours. I wrote thank you notes. Ugh!! I hate them. I got a little toasty. Nothing too bad. It won't even be noticeable tomorrow I'm sure. It is cool I even have shorts on. Now I'm watching baseball. Shocker! I took Derby outside with me. He was ok in the back yard. Then I had to move to the front yard because we have wasps. I had the front door open, but the screen shut. He escaped at one point. He started going over to the neighbors and I had to chase him around. I finally picked him up and he hissed and growled at me. Clearly he's out of his element in the front yard. I can't believe this weather at all. I wish I wasn't such a girly girl. I'd mow the lawn or something. Lucky for Shawn that stuff grosses me out. I hate getting dirty. I don't even like to pick weeds. I know, I know. It's stupid.


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