Monica Speaks Out

A page describing my life, in my own words.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

It's finally friday

So I finally have a day off. Shawn and I have it off together. It's our 2nd day off together this week. It's so nice. We're watching Fun with Dick and Jane. It's pretty funny. I want to get some things done around the house tomorrow. I also want to sleep in. I just want to not think about work right now. I need to make more money so bad. I hate being poor. I guess it's good though, cause we do own our own home. I am so glad to be married. Shawn would never be able to rob anyone. This movie is getting a little better. I'd rather be watching baseball, or something. Shawn's really enjoying himself. I hate Jim Carrey movies sometimes. He gets way to out of control. I enjoyed him in Ace Ventura, but it's gone downhill from there.


Blogger MightyLambchop said...

You are blogrolled baby!

2:00 PM  

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